(Unila): The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Unila welcomed a working group of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia, Monday, August 26, 2024.

The group of 22 members with 11 lecturers and 11 students aimed to participate in the outbound activities, including sharing research programs, sit-in classes, workshops, cultural exchanges, and community outreach programs for STEM in schools.

Three senior high schools in Bandar Lampung city, SMA Al-Kautsar, SMKN 2, and SMA YP Unila, were nominated the sites of the outreach program.

Dean of FMIPA, Dr. Heri Satria, welcomed the group in the Dean’s meeting room, insisting on the MoU between Unila and UiTM to further strengthen the cooperation between the two universities.

Eleven lecturers from the College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics UiTM confirmed their participation in this program, delivering lectures and workshops in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and other related study programs.

The cooperation as the group leader, Chair of Mathematical Science Studies, Prof. Ahmad Zia ul-Saufie Mohamad Japeri said, was also extended to result in joint publications and it was as the milestones for mutual cooperation in the future between Unila and UiTM.

This visit was a follow-up of the MoU between Unila and UiTM in 2020 and Unila has also been scheduled to participate in a similar activity at UiTM in late 2024 or early 2025. [PR Team]