Students Related Program

Student development is one part of the sub-systems of higher education and public policy cannot be separated from the education system. Student development is an important national task for the students as human resource and become a vital and strategic potential. Student development is done in harmony with the promotion and development of the young generation of Indonesia.

Based on Decree of Minister of education and higher number 155 / O / 1998 on General Guidelines for Student Organizations in Higher Education, student development is a means to build students character based on Pancasila, responsible, independent, and able to fill the nation’s independence. Development of student life is carried out through extra-curricular activities.

Development of student affairs at the University of Lampung is becoming the task of entire academic community, which is carried out in a systematic order which contains a comprehensive series of training programs, focused and integrated, and continues over time, which applies both to students of Bachelor, Diploma, and Degree.