List of Professors at the University of Lampung in 2021
No. | Name | Expertise | Faculty |
1 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugeng Prayitna Harianto, M.S. | Forest Resource Conversion | Agriculture |
2 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Purnomo, M.S. | Plant Pest Science | Agriculture |
3 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamalam Lumbanraja, M.Sc., Ph.D. | Soil Chemistry | Agriculture |
4 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Hasriadi Mat Akin, M.P. | Plant Diseases | Agriculture |
5 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Rosma Hasibuan, M.Sc. | Plant Pest Science | Agriculture |
6 | Prof.Dr.Ir. Irwan Effendi, M.S. | Evaluation of Agricultural Extension | Agriculture |
7 | Prof. Dr. Sudjarwo, M.S. | Social Sciences | Teacher Training and Education |
8 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Kukuh Setiawan, M.Sc. | Plant breeding | Agriculture |
9 | Prof. Dr. Einde Evana, S.E, M.Si., Akt. | Accounting | Economics and Business |
10 | Prof. Dr. Tati Suhartati, M.S. | Organic Chemistry | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
11 | Prof. Dr. Sunarto DM., S.H., M.H. | Legal studies | Law |
12 | Prof. Dr. Nikmah Rosidah, S.H., M.H. | Criminal law | Law |
13 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Setyo Dwi Utomo, M.Sc. | Plant breeding | Agriculture |
14 | Prof. Dr. I Gede Arya Bagus Wiranata, S.H., M.H. | Legal studies | Law |
15 | Prof. Dr. Satria Bangsawan, S.E, M.Si. | Management | Economics and Business |
16 | Prof. Dr. Wahyu Sasongko, S.H., M.Hum. | Legal studies | Law |
17 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Soesiladi Esti Widodo, M.Sc. | Plant Physiology | Agriculture |
18 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhtarudin, M.S. | Ruminant Nutrition Science | Agriculture |
19 | Prof. Dr. Drs. Patuan Raja, M.Pd. | Writing | Teacher Training and Education |
20 | Prof. Dr. Hartoyo, M.Si. | Sociology | FISIP |
21 | Prof.Dr. Sindung Haryanto, M.Si. | FISIP | |
22 | Prof. Dr. A.G. Bambang Setiyadi, MA | Teaching English as a Foreign Language | Teacher Training and Education |
23 | Prof. Dr. dr. Muhartono, S. Ked., M. Kes., Sp., PA. | Anatomical Pathology | Medicine |
24 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwan Sukri Banuwa, M.Si. | Soil & Water Conservation | Agriculture |
25 | Prof. Dr. Suharno, M.Sc. | Geology | Engineering |
26 | Prof. Drs. John Hendri, M.Si., Ph.D. | Physical Chemistry | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
27 | Prof. Dr. Drs. Cucu Sutarsyah, MA | Teaching English as a Foreign Language | Teacher Training and Education |
28 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Cipta Ginting, M.Sc. | Plant Disease | Agriculture |
29 | Prof.Dr. Joni Agustian, S.T., M.Sc. | Chemical Engineering | Engineering |
30 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Ainin Niswati, M.S., M.Agr.Sc. | Soil Biology | Agriculture |
31 | Prof. Dr. Drs. Undang Rosidin, M.Pd. | Learning Evaluation and Assessment | Teacher Training and Education |
32 | Prof.Dr. Sunyono, M.Si. | Chemistry Learning Methodology | Teacher Training and Education |
33 | Prof. Dr. Drs. Yulianto, MS. | State Administration | FISIP |
34 | Prof. Suharso, Ph.D. | Inorganic Chemistry | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
35 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Nanik Sriyani, M.Sc. | Weed and Herbicide Management | Agriculture |
36 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Kamal, M.Sc. | Plant Science | Agriculture |
37 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Fx. Susilo, M.Sc. | Agricultural Etomology | Agriculture |
38 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Wan Abbas Zakaria, M.S. | Agricultural economy | Agriculture |
39 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Yusnaini, M.Si. | Soil Biology | Agriculture |
40 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Dermiyati, M. Agr.Sc. | Soil Biology | Agriculture |
41 | Prof. Dr. Buhani, S.Pd., M.Si | Inorganic Chemistry | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
42 | Prof. Warsito, S.Si., D.E.A., Ph.D. | Instrumentation Physics | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
43 | Prof. Dr. Mahatma Kufepaksi, S.E, M.Sc. | Management | Economics and Business |
44 | Prof. Drs. Simon Sembiring, Ph.D | Material Physics | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
45 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Hamim Sudarsono, M.Sc. | Plant Pest Science | Agriculture |
46 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Yandri AS, MS. | Biochemistry | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
47 | Prof., Drs. Wasinton Simanjuntak, MSc., Ph.D. | Physical Chemistry | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
48 | Prof. Dr. Heryandi, S.H., M.S. | International law | Law |
49 | Prof. Dr. Muhammad Akib, S.H., M.Hum. | State Administrative Law | Law |
50 | Prof.Dr. La Zakaria, S.Si., M.Sc. | Mathematics | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
51 | Prof. Neti Yuliana, M.Si., Ph.D. | Agricultural Product Technology | Agriculture |
52 | Prof. Dr. Karomani, M.Si. | Social Communication | FISIP |
53 | Prof. Dr. Ir Udin Hasanudin, M.T. | Agroindustrial Waste Management | Agriculture |
54 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Yusnita, M.Sc. | Agricultural Biotechnology | Agriculture |
55 | Prof., Drs. Posman Manurung, MSi., Ph.D. | Material Physics | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
56 | Prof. Dr. Bujang Rahman, M.Si. | Education Fundamentals | Teacher Training and Education |
57 | Prof. Dr. Rudy Tahan Mangapul Situmeang, M.Sc. | Chemistry | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
58 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Murhadi, M.Si. | Food Science | Agriculture |
59 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Bustanul Arifin, M.Sc. | Agricultural economy | Agriculture |
60 | Prof. Dr. Agus Suyatna, M.Si. | Natural Science Education | Teacher Training and Education |
61 | Prof. Dr. Yuswanto, S.H., M.Hum. | State Administrative Law | Law |
62 | Prof. Dr. Lindrianasari, S.E., Akt., M.Si. | Accounting | Economics and Business |
63 | Prof. Dr. Sutyarso, M.S. | Biomedical Science | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
64 | Prof. Dr. Asep Sukohar, S.Ked., M. Kes. | Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy | Medicine |
65 | Prof. Drs. Mustofa, MA, Ph.D. | Applied Statistics | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
66 | Prof. Dra. Wamiliana, MA., Ph.D. | Operations Research | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
67 | Prof.Dr. Ahmad Saudi Samosir, S.T.,M.T. | Energy convertion | Engineering |
68 | Prof. Dr. Maroni, S.H., M.Hum. | Civil law | Law |
69 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Abdul Kadir Salam, M.Sc. | Geology | Agriculture |
70 | Prof. Dr. Sutopo Hadi, S.Si., MSc. | Inorganic Chemistry | Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
71 | Prof. Yuliansyah, S.E, M.S.A., Ph.D., Akt., CA. | Management Accounting | Economics and Business |
72 | Prof. Dr. Nurdiono, S.E., M.M., Akt., CA., CPA. | Public sector accounting | Economics and Business |
73 | Prof. Dr Mahrinasari MS., S.E., M.Sc. | Management | Economics and Business |
74 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwi Hapsoro, MSc. | Agricultural and Plantation Technology Biotechnology | Agriculture |
75 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Christine wulandari,M.P. | Forest Management | Agriculture |
76 | Prof. Dr. Dyah Wulan Sumekar RW, SKM, M. Kes. | Public Health Science | Medicine |
77 | Prof. Dr. Toto Gunarto, S.E. | Development Economics | Economics and Business |
78 | Prof. Dr. Drs. Sugiyanto, M.T. | Mechanical Engineering | Engineering |
79 | Prof. M Badarudin, ST., M.T., PhD. | Material Strength Mechanics | Engineering |
80 | Prof. Dr. Hamzah, S.H., M.H. | Legal studies | Law |
TOTAL | 80 | ||
Source: Bureau of General Affairs and Finance, September 2021 |