The University of Lampung Board of Management

Prof. Dr. Ir. Lusmeilia Afriani, D.E.A.IPM.


Dr. Eng. Suripto Dwi Yuwono, M.T.

Vice- Rector I ( Academic Affairs )

Rudy, S.H., LL.M., LL.D.

Vice Rector II ( General Administration and Finance )

Dr. Anna Gustina Zainal, S.Sos., M.Si.

Vice Rector III ( Student Affairs and Alumni )

Dr. Ayi Ahadiat, S.E., MBA.

Vice rector IV ( Planning , Cooperation , and Information and Communication Technology )

Head of Bureau University of Lampung

Hero Satrian Arief, S.E., M.H

Head of Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs

Ida Ropaida, S.E., M.M.

Head of Bureau of General Affairs and Finance

Budi Sutomo. S.Si., M.Si.

Head of Bureau of Planning, and Public Relation

Chairman of the Institute

Dr. Habibullah jimad. S.E M. Si.

Head of Institute for Research and Community Services

Prof. Dr. Ir. Wan Abbas Zakaria, M. S.

Head of Centre for Learning Development and Quality Assurance

Dean of Faculty

Dr. Nairobi, S.E., M.Si.

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business

Dr. Muhammad Fakih, S.H., M.S.

Dean of the Faculty of Law

Prof. Dr. Sunyono, M.Si.

Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwan Sukri Banuwa, M.Si.

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture

Dr. Eng. Ir. Helmy Fitriawan, S.T., M.Sc.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering

Dra. Ida Nurhaida, M.Si.

Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Dr. Eng. Suripto Dwi Yuwono, S.Si., M.T.

Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Dyah Wulan SRW, S.K.M., M.Kes.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine


Prof. Dr. Ahmad Saudi Samosir

Director of Postgraduate Programs