(Unila): The University of Lampung (Unila) deserved the winner of the most accepted students for the campus leader program. The award was received directly by the rector of Unila, which was presented directly by the head of Center for Development, Learning, and Quality Assurance (LP3M), Prof. Abdurrahman and the deputy for PKTIK Dr. Ayi Ahadiat.

The Campus Leader Program is a prestigious event organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in collaboration with policy makers, such as the Bakries Center Foundation (BCF), Kadin, which is part of the independent learning independent campus (MBKM) policy.

The Campus Leader Program refers to an internship program applied for one semester at social institutions as the partners of the Bakries Center Foundation. Unila actively continues to send students to participate in the program. The students eligible to the program will be invited for interview or FGD selection and they are free to choose any division or position according to their major background.

Each division has been provided with the syllabus dealing with social activities, socialization, advocacy, and education in the community, and the development of supporting technology.

The program is beneficial to students by receiving an internship certificate as a requirement for participation in SDGs 2030, boosting the building capacity and mentoring from experts/professionals, expanding national and international networks, having career opportunities at the Bakrie Center Foundation and its networks, becoming a writer and appearing at national conferences, pocket money, and transportation. [PR Team]