(Unila): The Biology Student Association (Himbio) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), the University of Lampung (Unila) held a series of activities for the XXVIII Natural Resources Conservation Week (PKSDA), Saturday, June 8-14, 2024.

The activities with the theme “Recognize Conservation Medicine, Create a Symmetry Ecosystem”, was officially opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Mulyono insisting on the importance of understanding about conservation medicine to create a symmetrical ecosystem. Every single activity was concerned with the conservation medical issues with a one health approach.

Himbio FMIPA also organized conservation exhibition and bazaar during a series of PKSDA activities, ranging from mini talk shows regarding waste, several food and beverage bazaar booths, and conservation exhibitions, such as Gajahlah Kebersihan, Walhi, TPST Unila, and Himbio FMIPA Unila.

In addition to the conservation exhibition and bazaar, Himbio FMIPA organized a conservation biology olympiad with the theme “Creating a Young Generation that Cares about Conservation Medicine and Wildlife Crime through the Conservation Biology Olympiad”. The activity aimed to introduce and to provide participants with insight particularly regarding medical conservation.

Himbio also held a conservation seminar with the theme “Uniting Through Conservation Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Human, Animal, and Environmental Health” on June 9, 2024.

This event was attended by participants from different social backgrounds especially students from a number of universities in Bandar Lampung and was conducted by presenters from epidemiologists to NGOs.

Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of FMIPA Unila Dr. Junaidi, M.Sc., opened the conservation seminar and appreciated the implementation of the seminar. He said, positive activities like this should always be supported to be able to foster enthusiasm and love for the surrounding environment. Educational materials about conservation medicine, including One Health & Health Security, were presented by Ismen Mukhtar, SKM, M. Epid.

Furthermore, the second speaker was drh. Enny Saswiyanti, M.Si., delivered about understanding zoonotic threats to create ecosystem harmonization and the closing material about environmental conservation strategies to create a symmetrical ecosystem, by Ari Rakatama, S. P., M.IL., M. Sc., Ph.D..

Another activity that became a series of PKSDA XXVIII activities was environmental action with the theme “Create Ecosystem Balance with Medical Conservation Action” which aims to foster a sense of love for ecosystems in nature. The event took place at Rhino Camp, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS) from June 10 to 11, 2024.

The series of activities was closed with an online conservation essay event. The theme of the event was “Gen Z Innovation in Conservation Medicine as an Effort to Prevent the Spread of Zoonoses”.

The activity, which was held on June 13, 2024, aims to build innovative ideas of students in increasing concern for the environment, and can give birth to innovative ideas of students in overcoming the problem of the spread of zoonoses.

Dean of FMIPA Unila Dr. Eng. Heri Satria, S.Si., M.Si., appreciated the hard work of the committee in organizing the activity and hoped that next year it could level up to the international level. Head of the Biology Department of FMIPA Dr. Jani Master, M.Si., also hopes for the continuity of activities so as to improve the quality of good education.

“This is a positive activity that can be used as education for all of us, especially in the field of conservation. Collaboration is needed in the world of conservation in order to create the best results for the balance of our shared ecosystem,” he said. [PR Team]