The Center for SME and Cooperative Studies of Research and Community Service Institution of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta (PSP-KUMKM LPPM UNS) is going to hold International Conference On Small And Medium Enterprise Empowerment (ICSMEE) with the topic of “Enhancing Small Medium Enterprise Competitiveness Based on Creative Economy in Innovation Disruptions”

            Regarding to this matter the committee would like to invite you to join the event and to pass on this information to other parties in your work environment who might share an interest to this event. The seminar will be hold on:



Thursday, October 11th 2018



08.00 local time – drop



UNS Inn Building, Jl. Ir. Sutami No 36A Surakarta


Information regarding the Seminar is listed on the poster (attachedand further information can be accessed in the website

For more detailed information, please contact the following members of the committee :

  1. Dr. Agr. Muhammad Cahyadi, S.Pt., M.Biotech (
  2. Malik Cahyadin, SE., MSi (
  3. Nuning Setyowati, SP, MSc (


We are looking forward to welcome you in the event and we would really appreciate any socialization assistance that you might provide. Thank You.
ICSMEE Commitee